Winghaven Lodge

Winghaven Lodge FAQs

America’s finest bobwhite quail hunting traditionally takes place on Southern plantations or Texas ranches. Russell Edwards, owner of Winghaven Lodge, would like the shooting world to know that his Kentucky hunt ranks right there with the best of them.

Ameri-Cana Expedtions

Ameri-Cana Expeditions FAQs

The Shooting Sportsman Endorsed Lodge Program continues its "behind the scenes" series with Ameri-Cana Expeditions, in East Central, Alberta. Co-owner Dan Frederick was happy to answer a few questions about the lodge . . . .

Hunting at Castle Valley Outdoors

Castle Valley FAQs

One of the most intriguing and often-asked-about wingshooting lodges in the nation is Castle Valley Outdoors. Georgia quail and Dakota pheasants conjure recognizable images in the mind’s eye, but southern Utah is something novel to the imagination of most wingshooters. Castle Valley Outdoors Manager Jim Fauver provided answers to some FAQs.

Heritage 1865

Heritage 1865 FAQs

The Shooting Sportsman Endorsed Lodge Program recently had a quick Q&A session with Heritage 1865 co-owner Abby Ewing. It gave us a chance to learn more...