
Editorial Guidelines

            Shooting Sportsman caters to discriminating bird shooters and connoisseurs of fine shotguns. We publish non-fiction (allowing for “embellishments” now and again), humor and photo essays. The best way to get an idea of what we’re looking for is to read a few issues.

            Following are some general comments on Shooting Sportsman’s editorial requirements and policies. Please feel free to write with any questions.

  1. Please query first, and include photo support (with detailed captions), if available.
  1. Features range in length from about 1,800 to 2,300 words, and payment varies considerably. Payment is typically on acceptance.
  1. If illustrations are not provided by the author, they are often purchased independently.  Because size and use depend on page layouts, payment for art often must wait until the issue is designed.
  1. Digital images must be of 300 dpi or greater and of appropriate size.
  1. SSM purchases First North American Serial Rights as well as electronic rights to manuscripts.
  1. Manuscripts must be typed, double-spaced, with a name and number on each page. If possible, submissions via e-mail would be appreciated. We work in Microsoft Word but can convert most major word-processing programs. If you do use another program, please copy and paste the article as part of the regular e-mail message, using two returns between paragraphs. (Sometimes formatting is lost through e-mail, so we may request a hardcopy as well.)
  1. A self-addressed, postage-paid container (and necessary insurance) must be included with any mailed material.
  1. If you have clippings or tear sheets of previously published material, they will help us evaluate your query.