In Castle Country
Old West wingshooting at Castle Valley Outdoors.
Old West wingshooting at Castle Valley Outdoors.
To hear the story, you might think that Kevin Kelly has a bit of a Midas touch when it comes to setting up Italian shotguns for the American buyer.
When one door closes, another opens. We all have heard this paraphrased often enough, as it has come to invigorate an eternal optimism that good things may be made from regrettable circumstances.
Whether in a duck blind or a dove field, many of us have dropped a bird nearby and thought, Wow, I bet that would hurt. For Maryland resident Robert Meilhammer, the hypothetical recently became all too real.
Gun buffs who have a penchant for the big screen—and who don’t mind having their brush pants scared off—will want to check out the new horror film Winchester.
This year Kids & Clays will host 23 sporting clays, trap and skeet events, each organized by the respective area’s Ronald McDonald House Charity.
We wanted to check out this 28-gauge from the company’s range of Turkish-made over/unders, to learn what a $669 (MSRP) shotgun looks and feels like.
In many ways the end of an era, the auctions of Extraordinary Firearms and Sporting & Collector offerings at James D. Julia from March 21 to 23 will be the last gun sale to be held at the firm’s Fairfield, Maine headquarters.
My son and his sons, shooting quail in Moore County, NC. My young grandson, age 8 was on his first hunt carrying a single...
My son’s first trip to Southern Arizona - he’s hooked!
The landscape-scale conservation goals of the American Prairie Reserve have inspired comparisons to an American Serengeti and the Yellowstone of the future.