Hunting Dogs

hunting dog in a truck bed being examined

Field First Aid

If you have a bird dog, it’s not a matter of if, but when. Even a first-time dog owner knows that there is no...

Hunting Dog leaping through water

Midseason Corrections

Sunrise had been two hours earlier, but dang if it wasn’t still dark. Rain wrung out of the gray, low-hanging clouds in such a...

Dog perched on some rocks

One Man’s Flushers

A welcome breeze cooled me as I sat on the long-deceased carcass of an evergreen high in the mountains of Nevada. Tucker playfully rolled...


Tracking-and-Training Devices

The distance display on the Garmin Alpha 300 resembled one of those rapidly spinning cartoon odometers: 300 yards, 350 yards, 400 yards . ....

dog in grass

On Choosing a Pointing Dog

As bird hunters, we all appreciate the beauty of a classy pointing dog that hunts in control, sticks every point and effortlessly retrieves downed...

Lost Dog!

Few experiences in the field are worse than knowing your dog is out there somewhere yet having no idea where. I’m not talking about...

two dogs

Cover Dogs to Covet

There have been a lot of changes in wingshooting in the past century or so. Side-by-side shotguns have been joined by over/unders, pumps and...

dog in a field

Breaking, Bad

Breaking is the opposite of steadiness, and one of the most irritating behaviors retriever owners typically deal with.