German gunmaker Merkel, based in Suhl, has renewed its commitment to the US market with a new general importer of its shotguns and rifles. Beginning immediately, T&G German Gun Imports of Mobile, Alabama, will be the sole American source for new Merkels, including both boxlock and sidelock doubles. T&G is a unique partnership between Tobi Nisse, a gunsmith in the Sauerlands Region of central Germany, and George Inge, a physician in Mobile. Nisse and Inge started their business by locating soon-to-be-destroyed vintage double and combination guns in Germany and making them available to the American market (see “Rescuing German Guns").
T&G will offer a number of guns out of its shop in Mobile, but most will be sold by custom order. The process typically will take five to six months, and T&G will handle all of the logistics from ordering to shipping.
“We offer the exciting opportunity to build the gun of your dreams,” Nisse said. “We don’t rely on a catalog with a set number of options. Here we have master engravers and stockmakers. If you want to honor your favorite hunting dog, send us the picture and we’ll make it part of your gun.”
Merkel remains one of Europe’s few remaining gunmakers where guns are produced by hand—and with all parts and components made in Germany. The company currently offers three models of break-action shotguns, including one over/under and two side-by-sides. T&G also will import any of Merkel’s offerings, including a range of bolt-action rifles, combination guns and double rifles.
In addition to offering new guns, T&G will handle parts and gunsmithing services, including, when possible, services for vintage guns.
For more information, visit (The company will be updating its website later this year to include more information about Merkel offerings.)
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