
Soar No More

Soar No More

When we heard that Soar No More Wingshooting Company was offering hot-barreled action for pigeons and doves in southwest Idaho, our group had to give it a try.

Soar No More

Soar No More

When it comes to “volume shooting,” Mexico and Central and South America traditionally have been the big draws for American sportsmen, so when we heard that Soar No More Wingshooting Company was offering hot-barreled action for pigeons and doves in southwest Idaho, our group had to give it a try.

Duck-Season Details

Going into the season, young dogs should be familiar with the situations they may encounter—such as climbing onto and retrieving from a marsh stand.

Measuring Tools Courtesy of Robert Louis Company

Measuring Tools

What you need to measure a gun properly are the right tools. Enter the Shotgun Combo Gauge and the BoreMaster, from Robert Louis Company.

Pursell Farms

Pursell Farms

Conveniently located in both the middle of nowhere and a little more than an hour’s drive from Birmingham, Alabama, is Pursell Farms, a 3,200-acre destination where quiet angles of repose collide serendipitously with opportunity and fulfillment.