Tips for Senior Shots
The most important aspect of shooting and hunting is safety, and older hunters can minimize risks by not only exercising but also choosing appropriate equipment, cover and terrain.
Chris Batha, <em>Shooting Sportsman</em>’s Shooting Editor, has more than 30 years' experience coaching, wingshooting and in competing in clay shooting. He has written extensively on all aspects of bird hunting, clay shooting and shotguns. In addition to being a member of the Worshipful Company of Gunmakers and serving as the National Director of The British Clay Pigeon Shooting Association, Batha conducts shooting schools in the US, Great Britain and Europe each year. Although these schools take up a considerable amount of time, he continues to enjoy competitive shooting whenever the opportunity presents itself.
The most important aspect of shooting and hunting is safety, and older hunters can minimize risks by not only exercising but also choosing appropriate equipment, cover and terrain.
With hunting season fast approaching, it’s worth taking a fresh look at the role that the eyes, hands, feet and gun mount play in shooting.
Mastering bobwhites at the Clays and Quail School
The differences between field guns and target guns.
South Africa offers a variety of wingshooting challenges, from hunting over pointing dogs to driven guinea fowl to pass-shooting pigeons (shown here).
If a child is strong enough to control a shotgun and mature enough to understand instruction and safety, then he or she is ready to begin shooting.
The best guns, gauges and chokes for the uplands
Hunters who practice during the off-season and who develop smooth, fluid gun mounts typically are the first to bag limits of doves.
Taking a group lesson or attending a shooting school—such as the author’s British Driven Game Shooting Academy—is money and time well spent.
One key to making a better visual connection with the target is to use shooting glasses with the brightest/sharpest colored lenses for the conditions.
The unsurpassed shooting of Bettws Hall.
Six simple drills that can be practiced indoors with a minimal amount of equipment.