The House of Krieghoff
Of family ties & a venerable German name
By: Clair Kofoed
Jacks of All Trades
An all-around look at versatile breeds
By: Chad Mason
Another Way to Look At It
Some amateur dog-training advice
By: Tred Slough
Tricking Out for Travel
Transporting dogs in Comfort
By: Tom Huggler
Woodcock Moon
[Photoshoot] October in New England. The woodcock moon is waxing. Cold nights up north have coaxed the migrants south-where they are welcomed by hunters and dogs alike. The cover is thick but the dogs steady. Buying precious seconds before the birds lose their nerve. And when the birds do flush, it'sPhotography by: Nancy Whitehead
Honkers, Huns, & More
Mixed-bag hunting in Southern Saskatchewan
By: Gary Kramer
Kiss of the Black Widow
The morbid truth about 'funeral guns'
By: Douglas Tate
Alite E-collars
Reviewing the top-shelf electronic systems
By: George Hickox
From the Editor
First impressions mean a lot. As I mentioned in my March/April article "Into the Blue(s)," this past fall I met dog trainer John Luttrell on a blue grouse hunt in Colorado. John is the co-owner of Oak Tree Kennels (www.oaktreekennels.com), in Clark, South Dakota, and he and his assistant
By: Ralph P. Stuart
Paper, Not Plastic Your desire to conserve our natural resources (From the Editor, March/April) is laudable, except when we're talking paper. A major tree species in the papermaking process is aspen, and young, vigorous aspen stands are, as you know, a favorite hangout of ruffed grouse and woodcock.
What's Next for Winchester
The guns that won the West have died in the East-at least for now. At press time, Belgium-based Herstal Group planned to close the US Repeating Arms Co. (USRAC) factory in New Haven, Connecticut. Herstal owns USRAC, Browning and Belgium's Fabrique Nationale (FN). The company operates firearms manufacturing
By: Chad Mason
Wingshooting News
New Festival for a Familiar Venue
By: Ed Carroll
Field Test
More Birds in the Vest
By: Lon E. Lauber
Guest Gun
In 1988 I was involved in a duck hunting accident, wherein a shotgun exploded, taking off the ends of two fingers of my left hand. Prior to the trip, I had made an error in sorting shells at home and unknowingly put a 20-gauge shell (a rare red 20-gauge shell, in case mentioning that makes me appear
By: Jim McLennan
Books & Videos
27th Blue Book Due This Spring
By: Ed Carroll
Fine Guns
A Gold Medal Bronzed
By: Douglas Tate
Fine Gunmaking
Metal Finishes for Fine Guns, Part I
By: Steven Dodd Hughes
Proof in the Pudding
By: Michael McIntosh
Shot Talk
28-Gauge Choke Tubes & 16-Gauge Issues
By: Tom Roster
Gun Review
Browning Citori Superlight Feather
By: Bruce Buck
Book Review
From Texas to the .410
By: Charles Fergus
Vice-President Dick Cheney's role in that unfortunate wingshooting accident in February highlighted both valid safety issues and the astounding misconceptions about shotgunning held by the general public and many in the news media. Among the facts largely swept aside in the reams of reports on the incident:
By: Ed Carroll
The Major
October Song
By: Galen Winter
Going Places
Santa Fe Trail Hunts
By: Thierry Bombeke
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