For ’Fowlers
The following items are designed to help hunters remain comfortable in the field and provide more action while they’re out there.
The following items are designed to help hunters remain comfortable in the field and provide more action while they’re out there.
Whether you’re coming up with your own list or trying to figure out what to buy for a fellow shooter, following are some useful items that most shotgunners would enjoy receiving.
The program encourages NSSF-member ranges and clubs to introduce new shooters to shotgunning.
Missing a golden opportunity at a goldeneye.
Founded in 1812, the Birmingham company makes some of the finest leather goods on the planet, including its latest, the Bournbrook Travel Bag Collection, launched earlier this year.
Multitools for the uplands.
More than 100 competitors enjoyed sun-splashed conditions during the United States Helice Association National Championship.
Bemoaning a closed season on mourning doves.
The invasive, sporting and tasty Eurasian collared dove.
After not having allowed hunting for sandhill cranes since 1916, Alabama enjoyed its first crane hunt in more than a century this past season.
A master class in outwitting roosters
Through the years trainer Jerry Cacchio developed a keen eye for interpreting dogs' physical communications and for assessing the miscommunications of handlers.