The resurrection of a storied British marque
Mixed bags at Argentina's Los Laureles
Building guns for clays & game
Mearns quail by any name are fun to hunt
- By: E. Donnall Thomas Jr.
The best little gunshop in Texas
Vincent Rickards: bespoke furniture & gun-case maker
Finding more than you're looking for
The "Safari Issue" and the challenges of travel
Fancy guns afield, worst hard times for pheasants, turning 10s to 12s, and more
British Ordnance Company, PGCA meeting, tagging woodcock, a Ripon review, etc.
The secret world of live-pigeon shooting
Crafting a custom high-grade Lefever
Bismuth shot is back in a big way
Protecting dogs from winter's frigid threats
The Beretta 690 Field III: refining a longtime popular favorite
Adventure gear for the traveling sportsman
Pining for a return visit to Argentina