Pointers in Africa
Walk-up hunting in the South African Highlands The Milky Way paints itself overhead, and satellites streak across the southern constellations, their paths lit like...
Bob Williams practices law in Atlanta when he's not hunting and writing his way around the world with his wife, Daphne. Williams is a regular contributor to <em>Shooting Sportsman</em> and numerous other publications.
Walk-up hunting in the South African Highlands The Milky Way paints itself overhead, and satellites streak across the southern constellations, their paths lit like...
A wingshooting weekend at Prairie Wildlife
Gentlemen bobs & fine guns at SouthWind Plantation.
A late-season shoot at Primland
For me, though, the essence of Heartland Lodge was captured in the final image of our last day’s hunt, a perfect blue-sky December day spent in the field with guide Terry Abney: the sudden blaze of sunset on a cackling rooster’s wings, the gun’s thump against my shoulder, and out there beyond the dogs, right where the hillside falls away, the sight of golden feathers bursting like a firecracker and the big bird tumbling, tumbling down.