To the Point

sketch of ducks in flight

To the Point: No Ugly Duckling

The first drake wood duck I shot as a high school hunter turned into a mounted disaster, proof that my future did not lie...

To the point sketch of a hunt in a field

To the Point: Chicken Delight

If you had told me I would go to Kansas—that fabulous bird hunting state—for three days and not kill a pheasant or quail, I...

wonderful sketch of dinner

To the Point: Dainty Dishes

If you’ve lived to age 60 and eaten three squares daily, you’ve already sat through more than 60,000 meals. How many of those involved...


To the Point: Remnants

Whether your next bird hunt occurs up north, down south, out west or halfway around the world, something about the experience will linger in...

to the point sketch

To the Point: Cans Are Back!

Last December I blew my chance to kill a canvasback by not swinging through on the single volunteer that flashed past our decoy spread...

sketch of hunter and dog

To the Point: Pacing

Fossilized human footprints discovered inside bigger animal prints in what is now New Mexico suggest a hunter was tracking a giant sloth some 23,000...

drawing of hunters in the field

Safety First

When accidents happen, it’s usually carelessness—not ignorance—that is the cause.

drawing of dog and bird

The Second Hunting Season

A second woodcock hunting season in Michigan observes no opening or closing dates. No license is required, nor are there bag limits. Guns stay...

drawing of birds

Rib Eye of The Sky

We hear their raspy cries, like rusted iron gates forced open, long before we see them. Inside our home in southern Michigan, the doors...

November Motion & Mood | Shooting Sportsman Magazine

November Motion & Mood

Impatience is why deer hunting and ice-fishing will never make my personal “Top Five” of outdoor pursuits. So why does waterfowl hunting, also a...