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This is Ed’s

Maine Grouse Hunting

Maine Grouse Hunting – Those Moments

Patti Carter of Merrymeeting Kennels, in Brunswick, Maine, is an enthusiastic hunter and dog trainer. Spend a few moments with her, and you’ll see what we mean.

Reader Photo Contest

Have a great photo from this past hunting season? Submit it here or to our Instagram page (with the hashtag: #shootingsportsmancontest) and you will be eligible to win a Wild Hare Range Vest, a one-year subscription to Shooting Sportsman and a coveted SSM hat.

The ACGG’s Simson Project

When considering custom gunmaking, many aficionados first look to the UK or Europe for inspiration and quality work. But they should not ignore the American Custom Gunmakers Guild (ACGG), an organization whose members have been raising the gunmaking bar for 35 years.