Worth the Trip: Flying B Ranch

Flying B Ranch

Flying B Ranch

“What does Heaven on Earth look like for an upland hunter? Let’s start with a rustic but luxurious and cozy lodge amidst a highland wilderness teaming with gamebirds. Add an incredible staff performing every imaginable chore from bird and gun cleaning to meal prep and table bussing. A chef who prepares three luscious meals daily to be savored by the guests, who each evening retire to a glowing hearth and sip libations of choice while swapping stories fresh from the field.

“This is what I experienced at Flying B Ranch, on the banks of the Clearwater River in the center of Idaho’s panhandle. But for me there was an added bonus: I brought my nine-month-old German longhaired pointer, Blaze, in hopes that the trip would expose him to a huge number of birds and accelerate his development—particularly his ability to hold point, which he had been struggling with. The lodge did a great job receiving us, with a cozy kennel in my bedroom and easy access to the outdoors for Blaze’s ‘bathroom breaks.’

flying b ranch living room

“After I discussed Blaze’s training needs with the staff, Blaze and I were assigned a superb guide, Rich, who, at my request, did the shooting while I worked Blaze. While it is certainly not the norm for a guide to shoot, in this case it was what I wanted, and Rich accommodated. Thanks to some great shooting, superb dog-handling advice from Rich and a ton of birds to practice on, Blaze was pointing flawlessly by the end of the day. In fact, Blaze did so well that Rich and I used him to guide other customers the following day. (I have to admit I was nervous about how Blaze would perform with this assignment, but he did great!) I cannot thank Rich and Flying B enough for transforming my young dog into a great hunter. (Two months later Blaze earned a perfect score in the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association’s Natural Ability Test. Without his experience at Flying B, this would not have happened so quicky.)

“With its phenomenal shooting, first-class hospitality and exceptional accommodations, the Flying B was indeed Heaven on Earth for me. But with all of the birds and training opportunities, it was for Blaze too. I would recommend anyone with a young dog to bring it to the Flying B. The number of bird exposures is so great that a dog can learn more in one trip than an entire year elsewhere.

“I have such great memories of that trip that I commissioned wildlife artist Kate Hall to paint a portrait of Blaze pointing a chukar with the ranch’s snow-capped evergreen ridges in the background.

“Blaze and I plan to return to Flying B!”

Bob Taylor
Vancouver, WA

hunting at flying b ranch

Flying B Ranch is a full-service Shooting Sportsman Endorsed Lodge. To learn more or make a reservation, call 208-935-0755, email info@flyingbranch.com or visit flyingbranch.com.

Photographs courtesy of Flying B Ranch.

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1 Comment

  1. says: Michael C. Genoff, MD, MBA

    My wife and I started hunting the Flying B ranch back in the 90’s the year they built their lodge. Now that we live in North Idaho and it’s only a 5 hr. drive, we make 1-2 trips per year. From the first years on, one thing that has remained constant is the abundance of hard flying game and the ability to have your dog(s) stay in the room with you. Our bird dogs are well trained and hard working but live with us and we appreciate having them close to make sure all the burrs are out, any nicks or scrapes are identified and treated and they are nourished and hydrated after a day in the field.

    Over the years that we’ve been coming there, they have constantly improved their menu and service to level where the advertisements and accolades are not just marketing, but reflect the experience one can expect. Although we like to travel and hunt a few other places, the Flying B Ranch just feels the most like coming home.

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