A Tour of Prairie Wildlife

Prairie Wildlife owner Jimmy Bryan firmly believes that if something is worth doing, it’s worth doing properly.  It’s a principle that served him well in his business career and it’s one that he currently applies to his famous Mississippi wingshooting lodge.  It’s no accident, then, that a full scan of all the various aspects of Prairie Wildlife (hunting, clays facilities, accommodations, dining, staffing and amenities) will reveal nothing that isn’t of top-notch quality. 

One of the first things guests notice is how impeccably the Prairie Wildlife grounds and facilities are kept.
Hunting Mississippi’s unique native Black Prairie habitat offers a refreshing twist to the typical Southern quail hunt.
Prairie Wildlife goes to great lengths to ensure that guests enjoy themselves just as much at the lodge as they do in the field. 
Prairie Wildlife goes to great lengths to ensure that guests enjoy themselves just as much at the lodge as they do in the field. 
The smiling faces say it all.

Prairie Wildlife is a full-service Shooting Sportsman Endorsed Lodge.  To find out more about Prairie Wildlife, call 662-494-5858, email chutchins@prairiewildlife.com or visit prairiewildlife.com.

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